About Us
Learn More About Unity Fellowship ChurchOur Mission & Vision
Our Mission: Unity Fellowship of Christ Church NYC's mission is to teach freedom on all levels of racial, sexual, religious, and social-economic oppression.
Our Vision: Our vision is to create a church where people can experience and learn that God is Love and Love is for everyone.
Our Values
Our Beliefs
We believe God is love and love is for everyone.
We believe it is impossible to love each other without a sense of mutual (equal) worth and respect for each other.
We believe the scripture found in Romans 13:10 which reads, “Love worketh no ill to a neighbor, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”
We believe the scripture found in 1st John 4:20 which reads, “It is impossible to love God whom we’ve never seen and hate our siblings who we see every day.”
We believe God is neither masculine of center nor feminine of center, God is one spirit. We are welcomed into the ones of God.
We demand liberation theology for all, a theology that frees the oppressed, therefore:
- Is not a hierarchy that is dominated by those masculine of center,
- Not oppressive to those feminine of center,
- Not oppressive to those who are non binary,
gender nonconforming or any other expression of gender - Not just European in scope,
- Must relate to people of color and their various cultures around the world,
- Not oppressive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and infinite expression yet to be seen/known,
- We acknowledge and condemn the violence inflicted on Indigenous People and Enslaved Africans by the oppressor and the use of Christian theology to justify stolen lands, bodies, culture, and identities.
- We venerate our ancestors and honor their sacrifice. Their legacy lives on in us,
- Encourages us to think and discern through human reason and experience.
We believe in the teachings of Jesus, but we do not dismiss all other faiths and beliefs as wrong or second to our way of believing.
We believe God is greater than any religion denomination or school of thought.
We believe God is spirit, alive at work in Muslim Mosque, the Jewish Synagogue, the Christian church, Tribal rituals, and sacred spaces. God is everywhere present.
We believe the Bible and all great spiritual writings or guides must be read taking into consideration the time of the writing, the traditions practiced at that time, and the fact that we have the right to question and examine all Interpretations.
We believe a person’s belief system:
- Must begin with healthy self-acceptance,
- Must support spiritual growth,
- Must encourage physical, psychic, and mental health.
We believe enlightenment and revelation are continuous and did not stop with the Bible writers.
We believe to manifest love we must be involved in the affairs of society, fight for social justice, and provide for all according to our capability:
- Feeding the hungry
- Clothing the naked
- Providing education
- Visiting the sick and shut-in
- Visiting the incarcerated
- Housing the housing insecure
- Protecting and preserving human, animal,
plant and marine life
Consoling and assisting with the transition of loved ones and the many other ways we might serve our human family.
Our Founder
Our Team

Sabrina Constella
Reverend/Interim Pastor
Dani L. Calderón
Reverend/El Nuevo Renacer Leader
Jermaine DMR Green
Terence L. Franklin
Male-Identified Ministry

Patricia Shell